Discover the allure of "Rupert the Horse", a captivating artwork now available as a high-quality print. Originally a 120x60 canvas painting that found a home in America, this piece showcases Rupert's curious character through intricate textures and acrylic brilliance.
Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this print is not just a reproduction but a reimagining of Rupert's story, left to your interpretation. Available in the original canvas size or customized dimensions to suit your space, each print radiates the charm of the original painting. Choose between a classic canvas print or a sleek art paper version. Plus, for a touch of elegance, we offer framing options upon request.
Bring home "Rupert the Horse" and let his nosey personality and textured beauty add a whimsical touch to your decor.
**Product Details:**
- **Material Options:** Choose from high-quality canvas for a textured, gallery feel or fine art paper for crisp, vivid details.
- **Size Variations:** Available in multiple sizes to fit your space perfectly.
- **Framing:** Optional custom framing available upon request, ensuring your print is ready to enchant any room.
Framing Option (Available for Both Canvas and Paper Prints)
Enhance your print with our custom framing option. Available upon request for any size, our frames are carefully selected to complement the artwork, adding an extra layer of sophistication and making it ready to adorn your walls.